Am I Wired to be Happy of My Job? Looking into the Dispositional Predictors of Job Satisfaction

Jonathan C. de la Cerna Abstract Research on the dispositional approach to job satisfaction focuses on personality variables, core self-evaluations, and positive and negative affectivity. However, most of these studies used research-intended scales rather than standard measures of these innate characteristics. Moreover, such a body of work also neglects other inherent factors like cognitive and emotional intelligence. The current study...

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Community Engagement in the Indigenous Education Discourse: Unravelling Policy Lessons from Lumad’s Alternative School in Mindanao, Philippines

Jae Mari D. Magdadaro Noe John Joseph E. Sacramento Abstract Indigenous people (IP) education has confronted inequality, cultural discrimination, and misrepresentation of indigenous knowledge that has furthered the systemic oppression of these marginalized sectors. However, the case of Lumad alternative schools in Mindanao, Philippines, offers a unique approach by utilizing community engagement in IP education that embodies collective and...

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Beyond Duterte: Conceptualizing a Research
Agenda of Populism Research in the Philippines

Ronald A. Pernia Abstract This article is an attempt to carve out a research agenda for an enriched populism research in the Philippines. Specifically, it analyzes journal articles drawn from academic database collections, examines its domains of publication, and core analytical approaches. Then, it situated these studies within the broader landscape of the Philippine political scholarship. The results suggest a thriving and flourishing...

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Engels and the Remaking of Communism in the Twenty-First Century

Regletto Aldrich Imbong Abstract Engels’s theoretical works on the labour movement, socialism, and the state supported the realization of proletarian revolutionary movements in many parts of the world. Today, with the resurgence of radical leftist discourses, the communist hypothesis is once again bannered by leading academics and philosophers, most notably by Alain Badiou in his The Communist Hypothesis. He argues that the May 1968...

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Police Power in the Philippines in the Time of the Pandemic

Regletto Aldrich Imbong Abstract In the essay “Police Power: The Biopolitical State Apparatus and Differential Interpellations,” Banu Bargu developed the notion of the Biopolitical State Apparatus (BSA). This essay deploys Bargu’s notion of the BSA within what it claims is a militarized police power in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Illustrating how the functioning of militarized police power underpins the implementation of...

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Putting participation into praxis: the struggle with Karol Wojtyla’s Laborem Exercens

Noe Montaño Santillan Abstract Purpose This paper scrutinizes the relevance of Karol Wojtyla’s Laborem Exercens. Design/methodology/approach In doing so, the endeavor employs participatory method for workers to do the following: identify problems experienced or observed in unionism, determine what/who causes hindrance in achieving the union’s aim, describe the future of unionism if the problems are not addressed and draw possible...

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