Police Power in the Philippines in the Time of the Pandemic

Regletto Aldrich Imbong Abstract In the essay “Police Power: The Biopolitical State Apparatus and Differential Interpellations,” Banu Bargu developed the notion of the Biopolitical State Apparatus (BSA). This essay deploys Bargu’s notion of the BSA within what it claims is a militarized police power in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Illustrating how the functioning of militarized police power underpins the implementation of...

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Putting participation into praxis: the struggle with Karol Wojtyla’s Laborem Exercens

Noe Montaño Santillan Abstract Purpose This paper scrutinizes the relevance of Karol Wojtyla’s Laborem Exercens. Design/methodology/approach In doing so, the endeavor employs participatory method for workers to do the following: identify problems experienced or observed in unionism, determine what/who causes hindrance in achieving the union’s aim, describe the future of unionism if the problems are not addressed and draw possible...

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Noe M. Santillan Abstract Music is a cultural Ideological State Apparatus (Althusser 1971, 143-148). In such a lens, this paper proceeds in the manner of Althusser’sargument, and the critique applies to popular music in the Philippinesvis-à-vis Gramsci’s cultural hegemony. With such a framework, thispaper looks into the albums of Musikang Bayan (People’s Music) from2001 to 2019 and employs qualitative content analysis. In doing so, thethemes...

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Evaluating mitigation strategies for urban heat island in Mandaue City using ENVI-met

AizaCortesa Arnold JesfelRejusob Justine AceSantosb ArielBlancobc Abstract Mandaue is a crucial city in Cebu island, Philippines as it links other large metropolises and is highly industrialized. The occurrence of urban heat island (UHI) in Mandaue was already confirmed by a previous study. In this paper, we aim to determine how UHI in Mandaue could be improved by mitigations including increasing vegetation, adding open spaces,...

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Inverse Limit of an Inverse System of BE-algebras

Jimboy Ruben Albaracin Jocelyn P. Vilela Abstract This paper covers the notion of the inverse limit of an inverse system of BE-algebras and investigates some of its properties. Moreover, this study deals with the completion of a BE-algebra. Key Words and Phrases: BE-algebra, inverse limit, inverse system, completion Link to the Article https://doi.org/10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v14i2.3966

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