Determinants of Intention to Use Mobile Wallets Among Filipinos

Posted by on January 10, 2025 in Recent Publications | 0 comments



Lyndon Carlos Nicol Ogoc
School of Management, University of the Philippines Cebu

Melanie R. Banzuela


There is a rapid growth of mobile wallet users in the world, mostly coming from Asia
Pacific. In the Philippines alone, the number of active mobile wallet users could grow by forty
percent in 2025 (Statista, 2024). The objective of this study is to identify the influence of
Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE) or the perceived ease of using the mobile
wallet, and Perceived Affective Quality (PAQ) or the affect and emotions to intention to use
mobile wallets. This research utilized a Causal-Explanatory Research Design. Data was analyzed
using Covariance-Based-Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM). Findings revealed that Effort
Expectancy or ease of use of technology is a strong determinant of consumers’ decision to accept
or adopt the mobile wallet technology. It implies that consumers expect technologies to make their
lives easier. In addition, the significant indirect effect of PAQ to Intention to Use through PE and
EE showed that positive emotions or greater affective quality of web-based applications would
perceive mobile wallets as more useful and easier to use. From a practical viewpoint, the study
clearly shows that Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy, and Perceived Affective Quality
involved in using the technology, are key antecedents of behavioural intention to use the mobile
wallet. This study highlighted the need for mobile wallet developers to enhance consumer’s
excitement and engagement with technology and the ease of use associated with the use of such
technology. Future researchers may also consider studying the unique cultural attributes of
Filipinos and its effect on determining the factors that would lead to Intention to use technology.


Structural Equation Modeling, mobile wallets, intention to use, perceived affective
quality, UTAUT, performance expectancy, effort expectancy