Impact on Book-tax Conformity and Leverage: A Moderating Role of Outside Blockholding after New Regulations

Posted by on June 25, 2024 in Recent Publications | 0 comments



Marie Jane Jumawan-Matero

School of Management, University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines

College of Business, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan


This study investigates the link between book-tax conformity and the corporate decision for leverage after the new transfer pricing audit regulations in 2005. This study finds that book-tax conformity and leverage have a significantly positive relationship in the fiveyear pooled sample, specifically, in the year immediately after the new regulations lending support to the hypothesis. Our results are robust to alternative specifications of leverage. The hypothesis on the monitoring role of outside blockholding over the relationship between the leverage and book-tax conformity is not supported, likely due to the influence of the insiders. An extended analysis demonstrates that the interaction of insiders with leverage is significantly positive. This supports higher book-tax conformity and shows that moderating impact of insiders is significant, likely caused by an advantage of information asymmetry insiders hold, thus rendering the outside blockholders ineffective.


Book-tax conformity; Leverage; Outside blockholding