Mess or match? How do academic perspectives meet the practitioner perspectives in terms of digital transformation?
Chi Phuong Tran a, Ronald A. Pernia b, Nhan Nguyen-Thanh c

We present research comparing theoretical and practical knowledge on digital transformation. By determining the gap and synchronization of academic research and practitioners’ focus in the digital age, the paper aims to solve the puzzle of “transformative strategy,” “knowledge management,” and “innovation” that underlines the organisational design. Contributing to the method, text mining and TFIDF tests are run to find the most centric view on digital transformation, thus visualising the future path for digital transformation. Text mining is suitable for detecting the common and differences between the two perspectives. As a result, the research suggests that the field of interest for cross-professional collaboration is data and technology, organisational oriented, whereas the practitioners focus on health, services and insurers, and banking.
Digital transformation
Text mining
Academic & practitioner
Business model innovation
TF-IDF test
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