Applying Stakeholder and Self-Efficacy Theories to Classify Organizational Citizenship Behavior Antecedents
Tiffany Adelaine Tan Leahlizbeth Sia Benedict James Duran

Most studies about organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) focus on particular actions that employees, supervisors, or owners of organizations should exhibit. To encourage OCB in service-oriented Filipino organizations, this paper proposes a classification of OCB antecedents collected from the literature in theory and industry practice. By using the stakeholder and self-efficacy theories, the proposed four clearly defined categories point out whether these antecedents are employee-led, leader-led, organization-led, or HR-led initiatives. Since it would be burdensome for an individual to know all the factors that may influence OCB, categorizing these antecedents will help the individual to identify the behavioral aspects that he or she has control over. Managerial implications are also discussed.
emerging nation, OCB, hospitality industry, employee-led initiatives, Cebu
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