Technocratic and deliberative nexus in policy analysis: Learning from smart city planning in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Noe John Joseph E. Sacramento & Piyapong Boossabong

Strengthened by rigorous developments in foundational principles and methods, the technocratic-vs-deliberative debate has long lapsed in policy analysis discourse. We attempt to remedy this debate by illustrating the case of Fah Ham smart city planning in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We argue that the assimilation of both technocratic and deliberative modes is feasible in policy analysis, which in turn makes policy-making process more productive. Utilizing participatory action research, we mainly observed and recorded the events. Certain assimilation points take place, which in gist, makes policy analysis successful. Embarking from the case’s illustration, it accentuates inclusivity should be safeguarded in policy analysis.
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