Dynamics in policy shifts: multiple streams analysis and the K to 12 basic education programme of the Philippines
Ronald A. Pernia
College of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Cebu, Cebu, Philippines; Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Much of the extant studies on the transition to a K to 12 basic
education programme in the Philippines have narrow scope and
lack analytical rigour. Anchored on John Kingdon’s multiple streams
analysis, this study analysed the dynamics of the educational shift
by specifically looking into the streams of problem, policies, and
politics. The findings demonstrated the viability of using the theory
of public policy processes in understanding policy changes in transitional
democracies like the Philippines. In addition, this study
generated theoretical implications for educational politics, policy
borrowing, and policy learning in comparative education research.
department of education; educational politics; K to 12
education; multiple streams analysis; policy borrowing;
policy learning
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