Causal inference in political science research: global trends and implications on Philippine political scholarship

Ronald A. Pernia ABSTRACT This paper examines the role of causal inference in the on-going methodological debate in political science research. Here, we critically engage the extant literature, take stock of the major debates, articulate key gaps and its limitations. Then, we leverage published journal articles in Web of Science (WoS) database collections and analyze them according to their publication years, topics, research areas, and...

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Smooth Power on the South ChinaSea: A new approach towardsFriendship between China and thePhilippines

Francis Michael C. Abad This research delves into the multifaceted issues surrounding the contested regionswithin the South China Sea and the intricate geopolitical dynamics atplay. In the aftermath of the Arbitral Tribunal’s ruling on UNCLOS, this papercontends that China’s nine-dash line and claims to sovereignty over disputedareas have faced challenges to their legitimacy. Recognizing the contemporaryglobal emphasis on the rule of law, the...

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Hybrid-Service Learning During Disasters: Coaching Teachers Develop Sustainability-Integrated Materials

Aurelio Vilbar Abstract The destructive impact of Typhoon Rai in 2021, which caused a prolonged power blackout in Cebu, Philippines, and the outbreak of typhoid fever cases in 2022 served as catalysts for the elementary public-school teachers in Barili, Cebu, to enhance the integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) within their curriculum. This descriptive research aimed to address the coaching request of Barili teachers...

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Multivariate Travel Time Forecasting in a Traffic Network Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping

Author Dharyll Prince Mariscal AbellanaDepartment of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract Traffic forecasting is a crucial component in the implementation of efficient traffic management and control. While various works have been made in this area, most of the current works focus on traffic flow forecasting. Although traffic flow is an important feature in traffic modeling, other variables such as travel time, are also...

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Fluid violence and the human rights of children in the Philippines

Archill Niña Faller-Capistrano ABSTRACT Southeast Asia has been more vigilant with regard to children’s rights since the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force in 1990. Regionally, the Philippines is a recognised champion of treaty-ratification and child-friendly legislation. Nevertheless, domestic progress in child rights discourse contrasts with a slide towards punitive policies, with the realities of fluid abuse...

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School and Community Partnerships in Emergent Democracies: Narratives and Evidence from the Philippines

Authors   Rohaiba B. Radiamoda Hsueh-hua Chuang Ronald A. PerniaCollege of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Cebu Magnolia A. Laus Abstract School and community partnerships are considered effective for achieving educational reforms, yet this type of collaborative enterprise continues to suffer from a crisis of relevance and sustainability up to the present. Hence, this study aims to identify factors that hinder the...

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