Nonviolence, Peace, and Nonviolent CommunicationTowards a Holistic Framework for a Nonviolent World

Author   Belinda F. EspirituCollege of Communication, Art, and Design, University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract Humanity has been faced with violence of various gruesome forms such as the two world wars in the 20th century, the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, the prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine, state-sponsored violence against its own people in the developing world, terroristic acts, gang fights, violent crimes, and...

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Archipelagic Interiority: Notes and Reflections on Poetic Voice and Trans Writing in the Philippines

Author Shane CarreonCollege of Communication, Art, and Design, University of the Philippines Cebu       Travelling to and from centers, between “worlds”I am interested in thinking about voice in poetry. In particular, the voice in my poetry collections spanning nearly a decade: travelbook (2013); Then, Beast (2017); and In Praise of Wilderness (2021). It is often supposed that the poetic voice is imbued and animated by the poet’s...

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Modelling the critical success factors of software development freelancing using an intuitionistic fuzzy DEMATEL approach

Author Abellana, Dharyll Prince Mariscal Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract This paper investigates the critical success factors of software development freelancing in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper adopts the intuitionistic fuzzy decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (IF-DEMATEL), which is a causal modelling approach based on multiple criteria decision making and...

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An integrated fuzzy evaluation of photovoltaic systems adoption barriers in rural island communities of developing economies

Authors Mario Rebucas Jr. Jay Lester Radam Narcis Molero Ralph Rodzen Macayana Chrisalyn Go   Dharyll Prince Abellana Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines CebuThe institution will open in a new tab Aristotle Ubando Alvin Culaba Lanndon Ocampo Abstract Among the renewable energy technologies that address sustainability issues in energy consumption, photovoltaic (PV) systems are found most applicable in rural island...

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An integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making model for determining the interdependencies among the african swine fever spread factors

Authors Hannah Jesse Lauron Department of Computer Science, College of Science, University of the Philippines Cebu Dharyll Prince Mariscal Abellana Department of Computer Science, College of Science, University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract African swine fever (ASF) is a disease outbreak that has substantially impacted agriculture, public health, and food security. This study tackles the lack of knowledge regarding the interactions between...

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VolAR: A Potential Tool in Developing Spatial Ability and Volume Solving Through Augmented Reality

Dianne M. Mondido University of the Philippines Cebu Fernand G. Bernardez University of the Philippines Cebu Hazel A. Trapero University of the Philippines Cebu ​ Abstract Augmented reality (AR) applications are revolutionizing the educational landscape, offering interactive and immersive experiences that enhance learning. Understanding volume can be challenging for students, particularly those with limited foundational knowledge in measurement...

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