Alternative Modes of Distribution and Exhibition: Cebuano Cinema from the Perspective of Cebuano Filmmakers

Marie Rose B. Arong Jeneth B. Borlasa College of Communication Art and Design Abstract Although historically detached from the films of the so-called golden ages of Cebuano cinema in the 1950s and the 1970s, a new breed of Cebuano filmmakers have emerged in the 21st century. Through a series of interviews with Cebuano filmmakers, this article will map the alternative modes of distribution and exhibition in contemporary Cebuano cinema. In order...

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Brisneve Edullantes Wyndel Sañoza Catleya Vargas S. SANGUTAN M. POCONG Judith Silapan Abstract Evaluation of ecological health status after an oil spill is crucial for effective restoration measures of the affected aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we applied a multimetric phytoplankton index for biotic integrity (MPI-BI) to assess the ecological health status of the southern coast of Mactan Island, Philippines after 8, 12, 24, and 30 months...

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Where are your Literary Giants? Examination of the Production and Reception of Cebuano Literature, 1975–2015

Marie Rose B. Arong College of Communication Art and Design University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract This article examines the logic of the Philippine literary publishing industry. Similar to other formerly colonized nations, the country’s publishing industry is controlled by a few publishers based in the capital, Metro Manila, resulting in the marginalization of regional writing. Authors outside the borders of the metropolitan space...

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The Cebuano Bugalbugal

Jocelyn C. Pinzon College of Communication Art and Design University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract Bugalbugal, defined in this paper as a verbal event that makes use of playfully derisive language, is examined, interpreted, defined, and given discursive order based on data from dictionaries and fieldwork.Using the Communication Theory on Language by Roman Jakobson to structure the analysis of data gathered from interviewees, this research...

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Walking the Talk, from Online to Offline? Analyzing Predictors of Political Engagements in the Case of Cebu City, Philippines

Noe John Joseph E. Sacramento College of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Cebu Abstract The political engagement of individuals has complexly evolved in a borderless world brought by various developments in technology. This study revisits how various predictors, including personality traits such as extraversion and openness to experience, political efficacy, and online (FB) engagement, influence offline political engagements....

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