Immediate and delayed effects of a heatwave and Prorocentrum lima ((Ehrenberg) Stein 1878) bloom on the toxin accumulation, physiology, and survival of the oyster Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793)

Ellen Grace M. Funesto ab, Adam M. Lewis c, Andrew D. Turner c, Tom C. Cameron a, Michael Steinke a Abstract Warming could facilitate the intensification of toxic algal blooms, two important stressors for marine organisms that are predicted to co-occur more frequently in the future. We investigated the immediate and delayed effects of a heatwave and a simulated bloom (3 × 106 cells L-1) of the diarrhetic shellfish toxin...

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Fruit Classification using Colorized Depth Images

Dhong Fhel K. Gom-os Abstract Fruit classification is a computer vision task that aims to classify fruit classes correctly, given an image. Nearly all fruit classification studies have used RGB color images as inputs, a few have used costly hyperspectral images, and a few classical ML-based have used colorized depth images. Depth images have apparent benefits such as invariance to lighting, less storage requirement, better...

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On Dual B-Topological Spaces Determined by Filterbase and Some Sets in a Dual B-algebra

Jimboy Ruben AlbaracinKatrina E. Belleza Abstract This paper presents dual B-topologies that are determined by filterbase and some sets in a dual B-algebra. Also, some properties of a filterbase in a dual B-topological space are provided. In particular, a commutative dual B-topological space and a symmetric B-topological space are topological dual B-algebras. Keywords:  topological algebra, dual B-algebra, topological B-algebra, dual...

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A new univariate feature selection algorithm based on the best–worst multi-attribute decision-making method

Dharyll Prince M. Abellana, Demelo M. Lao Abstract With the extensive applicability of machine learning classification algorithms to a wide spectrum of domains, feature selection (FS) becomes a relevant data preprocessing technique due to the high dimensionality of data used in these domains. While efforts have been made to study various filters for ranking features, scholars have paid little attention to developing a unified framework that can...

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Sisyphean Cycle of Duterte’s
Environmental Management

Marie Rose Arong IntroductionRodrigo Duterte’s candidacy may have been officially announced in lateNovember 2015 but his rise in popularity, in the Visayas at least, was aidedby the dismal performance of then President Benigno Aquino’s administration when super typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) struck the Mindanao and Visayas regions on November 7, 2013. A few days after the typhoon, Duterte visited Tacloban and offered “P8 million...

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