Conditions Affecting the Perspective Towards the “Work-From-Home” Setup

Kesley Guino-o Daryll Candice Canada Rachell Anne T. Capaning Jilianne Kyle Monteclaro Roxen Janna A. Cadavos Ana Leah Dungog-Cuizon Abstract Despite the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in the Philippine industry is striving to achieve greater gains because they are able to employ 70% of their staff to work from home. However, within this economy that has been helping the country, inequalities are...

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Co-occurrence of a marine heatwave and a reported tomato jellyfish (Crambione mastigophora Maas, 1903) bloom in March 2020 at El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

Raven Quilestino-Olario  , Brenna Mei M. Concolis, Dale Patrick D. Atup, Aiza Cortes, Aletta T. Yñiguez, Brisneve Edullantes Abstract Globally, observations on marine species during marine heatwaves (MHWs) help outline the scope of the MHW’s possible biological effects. In line with this effort, this paper presents a 2020 MHW that coincided with a reported ‘tomato jellyfish’ (Crambione mastigophora Maas, 1903) bloom on 23 March 2020 in the...

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Now is no longer the time for poets

Shane Carreon Abstract A reflection piece—on rethinking the return of a Martial Law dictator in the form of his namesake, the newly elected president of the Philippines; the gamut of conversations on (un)covered facts, post-truth, appearances, interpolations, populism, revisionism and transformations, as well as the power of (trans)national media and images entangled with participatory publics; and how might a younger generation and/or...

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The Cuss that Cares? Paternalistic Cussing in Philippine President Rodrigo RoaDuterte’s Rhetoric

Ronald A. Pernia & Rogelio Alicor L. Panao Abstract This chapter offers an unconventional view of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s rhetoric by contending that his use of abusive language is a symbolic predilection by a president who is fully aware of the political implications of actions and utterances—to preach tough love to protect citizens and maintain law and order. We call this phenomenon paternalistic cussing which serves to...

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An empirical study on the use of a facial emotion recognition system in guidance counseling utilizing the technology acceptance model and the general comfort questionnaire

Dhong Fhel K. Gom-os, Kelvin Y. Yong Abstract Purpose The goal of this study is to test the real-world use of an emotion recognition system. Design/methodology/approach The researchers chose an existing algorithm that displayed high accuracy and speed. Four emotions: happy, sadness, anger and surprise, are used from six of the universal emotions, associated by their own mood markers. The mood-matrix interface is then coded as a web application....

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