Design Thinking (DT) and User Experience (UX) as Springboard to Teacher-Made Mobile Applications

Jeraline Gumalal & Aurelio Vilbar Abstract This paper describes the experience of nine in-service basic education teachers in learning how to design a mobile app using concepts of DT and UX as springboards. The teachers were enrolled in a 36-session training program that is sectioned in three parts: introduction, active, and application phases. Based on their accounts, the teachers were able to design a reading practice mobile app that is...

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Is It Worth Enduring? Labor in Philippine Mango Fruit Farming

Noe John Joseph E. Sacramento and  Gayle Candice D. Cañete Abstract This article examines the process of labor exploitation in mango fruit farming in the Philippines. It provides a case study based on primary data collected through key informant interviews as well as secondary data. The article argues that contemporary mango fruit farming remains within the conventional labor dynamics inherited from historical capitalist domination and...

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Good Food in a Technological World: Focal Things and Practices among Lumad Groups in Mindanao

Regletto Aldrich Imbong Abstract In this paper, I develop a concept of “good food” by placing in dialogue Albert Borgmann’s notions of focal things and practices with the experiences of two Lumad groups in Mindanao, Philippines, the Manobos and the Blaans. The “availability” of contemporary food, resulting from the “device paradigm,” creates an atrophic existence rooted in social and material disengagement with food production. I argue that the...

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Grassroots involvement on Global South policy narratives and deliberative action on climate change loss and damage

Noe John Sacramento  Abstract Purpose This paper investigates how power and narratives among actors relate to the process of agenda-setting and deliberation in the context of climate change loss and damage. The focus is to understand how grassroots voices manifest their concerns on intensifying economic and non-economic impacts of climate change loss and damage which affect them. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based on the case of...

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Applying Stakeholder and Self-Efficacy Theories to Classify Organizational Citizenship Behavior Antecedents

Tiffany Adelaine Tan Leahlizbeth Sia Benedict James Duran Abstract Most studies about organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) focus on particular actions that employees, supervisors, or owners of organizations should exhibit. To encourage OCB in service-oriented Filipino organizations, this paper proposes a classification of OCB antecedents collected from the literature in theory and industry practice. By using the stakeholder and...

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